Sunday, January 11, 2009

Casting a Circle

Imagine a circle of light surrounding you. This light can be white, blue or purple. Circle the light around, above and below you in a clockwise direction, like the representation of an atom. Feel it as a sphere around you or as a cone of power. Remember to leave a “doorway” through which your magick energy may exit. Banish all evil and negative energy, forbidding anything harmful to enter your space. Remember, you are always safe within your circle if you command it to be so. You should feel warm and peaceful within your circle. You can also outline the perimeter if needed. Negative entities cannot cross a line of salt. Candles, crystals, cord, stones, flowers and incense can also be used to create a barrier.

“I consecrate this circle of power to the Ancient Goddess.
Here may she manifest and bless her child.
This is a time that is not a time,
A place that is not a place,
On a day that is not a day.
I stand at the threshold between the worlds,
Before the veil of Mysteries.
May the Ancient Ones help and
Protect me on my journey.
I call upon the power of Air to witness this rite and guard this circle.
I call upon the power of Fire to witness this rite and guard this circle.
I call upon the power of Water to witness this rite and guard this circle.
I call upon the power of Earth to witness this rite and guard this circle.
This circle is bound,
With powers all around,
Between the worlds, I stand
With protection at hand.
By the powers of the Ancient Goddess,
I bind all power within this circle,
Into this spell,
So mote it be.”

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